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Marketing is important...

...but there are already 101 things on your to-do list.

And they are all important too!

So How Do You Get the Most Out of Your Marketing?


No problem if you have little to do.

But if you are already busy... then this is not a feasible option.


Finding good people is difficult, plus training is expensive.

And even if you find that perfect person... you are still dependent on 1 person!


No marketing budget of tens of thousands of euros / month?
This often means that your account is managed by the intern of the assistant's assistant.
Not good.

"Okay... But What Makes You Different?"

The single objective of every business is to gain market share (unless you own a charity) over the competition.

Stand out and own your spot in the digital economy with us.

Unfortunately, the truth is big companies and corporations have unlimited amount of resources for marketing.

While the small business owner is left all alone to get annihilated, but no need to cut budgets or fire anybody because we are here to build together.

"Jack of all trades is a master of none"

specialization works. we know what we are good at, and that is marketing.

So help us help you reach your market.

We are not hidden away in some anonymous call center.

No we are local. And proud members of our communities.

You know where to find us whenever you need us.

A lot of tools

Get busy or get out

May 23, 20243 min read

“Good Artist copy, great artists steal.” - Steve Jobs

A must for surviving the next economical dip:

Now days, seems like we need new methods to approach marketing. I mean that's true yet also is not. If we look at from what is the answer plus how we are spouse to play this period.

The formula might change. Which only make sense in this market.

But, what happen if you don't adapt. No sugar coding it's now or never for %90 of business out there.

This article is your emergency plan to stand this shifting markets.

pop up market

  • Embracing the Digital Marketing Shift

We can all agree that the world is a completely different place today. One undeniable truth is that social digital marketing will determine whether some companies surpass the coming economic dip or go under.

This has been a big wave coming, some people call it the digital gold rush. And now the best time ever to cash in before it’s too late. 

With Strategize from us you will always be able to beat the market… 

  • The Current Landscape

Did you know that about 23% of all small businesses are not active in the digital space? Perhaps it's because they don't know how to engage effectively or, even more concerning, because they’re doing it wrong.

It's probably the latter. So, let’s clarify a few things about digital marketing.

Do you feel like you’re  just spinning your wheels?

Today the market is full pool of under preforming companies. Thats the truth, if a company can’t preform its soon to seize to exist. 

And if you ask me why for some reason; I would tell you. This is physics not me.

  • The Power of Digital Interactions

Not every interaction online is a lie. Just like customers vote for you with their dollars when they trust your business, they vote with their interactions in the digital world.

Now that's deep. Let it sink in or go read it again.

You must be genuine and authentic. Trusting you with their attention and interactions means you have to stand out from the crowd by being real. 

Sounds simple right?

  • Authenticity in Action

Look at the brands dominating the market right now. They practice what they preach. Remember, the work you put in will impact you more than you impact it. Communicate to the human first before the market.

You might ask, "What will that do for me?" That's a valid concern. If your audience receives real-time value from interacting with your posts, you are delivering on your promise. Then, they will always come back.

Believe me this is a super power!

  • Building Trust and Rapport

This approach is not only important but crucial. It will pay dividends like there is no tomorrow. This is the game.

 Ok.. Now what?

Focus less on yourself. Even in business, building rapport is essential. Brands that fail often only talk about themselves. After customers have met you, what would they tell their friends about you?

  • Marketing the Experience

Marketing the experience is as important as delivering it. But, that’s a topic for another time.

What are your insights, questions, or suggestions? If this is your first time here, welcome to the community.

Contact me now on socials, email, or anything.

Take Care,


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